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On the Go

執筆者の写真: Pedro GomesPedro Gomes






InstagramやFacebookへの投稿に加えて、写真、YouTube videos、ストーリーを共有する「On the Go」というタイトルの、このブログも更新します。なので、私のウェブサイトを無料登録し、InstagramアカウントとFacebookページ@pedrogomesphotographyをフォローして、この旅に参加してください。

Japan old train rail Photo by NANA

Get my camera gear ready, be on the road, getting on a plane or a boat, walk, swim, hunt waves, look for beautiful places, try new tastes, meet interesting people and share with others these experiences is what I do better and it’s what I like to do the most. Many of my trips to faraway or nearby places, ended up resulting in good photos and videos, are frequently published in magazines and websites in Japan and around the world. 

Generally, all media have to follow an editorial line with pre-established spaces which just doesn't always allow me to publish all the content I produce.

Thinking about it I decided to build a direct communication channel with people who have the same interests and are curious to know the life and work of a surf/outdoor photographer and everything around it.

For this reason in addition to my posts on Instagram and Facebook, I will also be updating this blog on my website titled “On the Go” where I will share photos, YouTube videos, and stories. So stay tuned subscribe on my website for FREE and follow my official Instagram account and Facebook page @pedrogomesphotography and come along on this journey.

Shooting Mark Healey in Waimea Photo by Yana Vaz




Around Japan

Omaezaki On the Go

1 commento

16 ott 2020


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